Counseling is a form of support and guidance provided by trained professionals to individuals who are facing personal, social, and psychological difficulties. The counseling process involves the exploration and identification of problems, emotions, and behaviors, as well as the development of strategies for coping and problem-solving. Counseling can take various forms, including individual, couple, or group therapy. It can provide a safe and confidential space for individuals to talk about their concerns and receive practical and emotional support. We at Nanas help clients develop insight into their own behavior and thought processes, identify patterns in their relationships, and explore ways to develop coping skills and resilience. Counseling can also address issues such as stress, anxiety, grief and loss, addiction, anger management, parenting issues, and career concerns. Effective counseling requires a compassionate, nonjudgmental approach and a willingness to listen and support clients in a respectful and empathetic manner.
Families are much more than groups of people who share the same genes or the same address. They should ideally be a source of support and encouragement to one another. This does not mean that everyone gets along well and smoothly all the time. Conflicts are a part of family life. Many issues can lead to conflict, such as illness, disability, addiction, job loss, school difficulties, insecurity, egoism, and marital problems. Listening to each other and working to resolve conflicts are important for strengthening the family. When your life changes because of a health problem or because of any of the above- mentioned issues, it can be a stressful and overwhelming experience. This is true whether you are experiencing the health problem yourself or if a family member or friend close to you is. This can lead to anxiety or depression. An illness has a very personal impact as one experiences emotions such as sadness, anger, or fear. An illness also impacts one’s lifestyle and relationships. A web of outer concerns will arise at the same time you are experiencing the personal effects of the illness. Medical counselling offers assistance in processing the personal impact of the illness as well as the impact it has on one’s lifestyle and relationships. Medical counselling encourages both wellness and healing. Medical studies have shown that techniques that connect mind, body, and spirit can help with faster recovery from any disease, better stress management, and better overall performance.
Since 1977, we at Nanas Homoeopathic Medical Centre have been working with clients who have the above-mentioned difficulties with sincerity and utmost dedication. We have specialised training in counselling to offer you support and guidance during a difficult time.